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Representatives of surviving Jews from Europe in meeting with Brigade soldiers, Center to the Diaspora members, Venice, Summer 1945. Standing from right: soldier, Eliyahu Glazer, Abba Kovner, Yitzhak Reichman (Pasha), Michael Glass, Bezalal Kak. Kneeling: Shlomo Klass, Haim Lazar, soldier. Eliezer Lidowsky, lying.
Reference code: PH- 9932
Date : 20/07/1945
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Date : 20/07/1945
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PH- 9932
Members of Netzivut Betar Italy tour with David Wdowinsky in Betar unit. To left of Wdowinsky: Haim Lazar and Adam Halperin Hartan, during their activity in 'HaBricha' (Escape) Organization.
Reference code: PH- 9938
Date : 01/01/1946
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Date : 01/01/1946
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PH- 9938
Members of Netzivut Betar Italy tour with David Wdowinsky in Betar unit. Haim Lazar, seated second from right, and Adam Halperin Hartan, seated below, during their activity in 'HaBricha' (Escape) Organization.
Reference code: PH- 9939
Date : 01/01/1946
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Date : 01/01/1946
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PH- 9939
Members of Netzivut Betar Italy tour with David Wdowinsky in Betar unit. Wdowinsky, center row, second from right and Haim Lazar, seated, second from left, while they were active in 'HaBricha' (Escape) Organization.
Reference code: PH- 9940
Date : 01/01/1946
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Date : 01/01/1946
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PH- 9940
Yosef Klarman, Rivka Carpincus and Haim Lazar seated alongside Betar symbol, during Klarman's visit to Grottaferrata
Reference code: PH- 9945
Date : 01/01/1946
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Date : 01/01/1946
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Opening session of Convention of Partisans and Diaspora War Veterans during Pesach (Passover), Grottaferrata. From left: Yitzhak Kowalsky, Haim Lazar (speaking, opening the convention) David Wdowinsky and Lazar Malbin.
Reference code: PH- 9946
Date : 01/04/1946
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Date : 01/04/1946
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PH- 9946
Opening session of Convention of Partisans and Diaspora War Veterans during Pesach (Passover), Grottaferrata; Haim Lazar speaking.
Reference code: PH- 9947
Date : 01/04/1946
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Date : 01/04/1946
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PH- 9947
First Betar Conference in Grottaferrata, held in Hotel Castel Gandolfo. David Wdowinsky speaking during opening session. From right: Gabriela Rossi Palatinsky, representative of Italian Jewry and Zalman Levinberg, Shilton Betar Officer. Haim Lazar, on left. Meir Yosef Itzkowitz and Daniel Ostashinsky recording protocols.
Reference code: PH- 9948
Date : 05/01/1946
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Date : 05/01/1946
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First Betar Conference in Grottaferrata, held in Hotel Castel Gandolfo. From right: Gabriela Rossi Palatinsky, representative of Italian Jewry, Zalman Levinberg, Shilton Betar Officer, David Wdowinsky and Haim Lazar, standing while singing of Betar anthem.
Reference code: PH- 9949
Date : 05/01/1946
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Date : 05/01/1946
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PH- 9949
First Betar Conference in Grottaferrata, held in Hotel Castel Gandolfo. David Wdowinsky speaking during opening session. From right: Zalman Levinberg and Gabriela Rossi Palatinsky, representative of Italian Jewry. Haim Lazar, on left.
Reference code: PH- 9950
Date : 05/01/1946
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Date : 05/01/1946
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PH- 9950