N.Z.O. Presidency, London, Weekly Notices to Newspapers

21.03.1940 - 13.06.1940

Reference Code : G 4 - 1/ 9

Archive: N.Z.O. Presidency, London
Material status: Scanned


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Hatzach (New Zionist Organization):
Reactions to: Britain's accusation that German spies have been succeeding to infiltrate into Eretz Israel
under guise of illegal immigration; British policy on subject of lands, immigration and illegal immigration; Attitude of Jewish Agency and General Federation to members of Revisionist Movement; Proposals for Jewish emigration from the German Reich to various places other than Eretz Israel; Plans for solve problem of Jewish refugees at end of the war.
Reports on: Condition of the Jews in occupied Europe, escape and rescue; Situation in Eretz Israel and activity to establish a Jewish army.
Zeev Jabotinsky interview for Australian weekly.