Betar Eretz Israel Commission, Circulars

08.05.1935 - 29.09.1936

Reference Code : B 8 b - 1

Archive: Betar Eretz Israel Commission
Material status: Scanned


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Circulars, notices and orders about the following subjects:
Disciplinary rules; creation of the Betar Commission in Eretz Israel and its composition; Betar membership cards; Monetary and organizational issues; Fifth National Betar Conference in Eretz Israel; Captives of Zion Fund; Cultural work; Instructions for behavior and action for commanders and instructors;
Decisions about aliyah and recruitment; Accepting students to Naval School for officers of Shilton Betar in Civitavecchia, Italy; Events in Labor Units; Material for lectures and conversations concerning Tel Hai Fund; Dinar Project;
In anticipation of founding of Hatzach (New Zionist Organization); Updates on events in Betar branches in Latvia, Uruguay, Belgium, Lithuania, Poland, Canada and Romania;
Organizing National Camp for Betar Youth; Organizing Betar census; Selection from instruction program; Aliyah issues; Situation in Betar Eretz Israel units.