N.Z.O. Delegation to the U.S., Zeev Jabotinsky - Correspondence

26.03.1940 - 01.08.1940

Reference Code : G 5 - 1/ 6

Archive: N.Z.O. Delegation to the U.S.
Material status: Scanned


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Hatzach (New Zionist Organization) U.S. Delegation:
Letters from, to, in name of and concerning Zeev Jabotinsky.
Main subjects: Financial and organizational issues; Aims and principles of Aliyah Bank; Attitude to British warning not to engage in illegal immigration; Question of Eretz Israeli citizenship of Eri Jabotinsky; Line of action to take in event that Eretz Israel becomes a battle front; Idea to formulate a unified Jewish front; Memorandum on subject of forming a Jewish army.
Report on problem of Jewish refugees in Lithuania and developments in the war;
Menachem Begin and Yosef Klarman petition to Zeev Jabotinsky about need to finance Betar preparation in Kovno in anticipation of state of emergency and arrival of the Germans.
Includes documents in Yiddish and German.