United Zionists Revisionists, Head Office, Paris, Italy Branch - Correspondence
08.12.1946 - 01.12.1949
Reference Code : G 7 - 3/ 4
Brit Hatzohar HaMeuhedet - United Zionists Revisionists Organisation:
Main topics:
Conflicts regarding choice of Italian delegates to World Zionist Congress; Accounts and report on Italy Branch activities; Organizational activities; Situation of Movement and world leadership; Italy Branch willingness to assist Hatzohar organization and question of relations between the two bodies; Establishment of Aliyah (immigration) Committee in Italy by Eretz Israel office and its composition; Internal conflicts and establishing an independent committee for refugees; Attack on envoy in Eretz Israel office in Milan; Shekel Campaign; Composition of delegates from Zionist Federation to Congress in Paris.
Membership card and form declaring membership in Hatzohar HaMeuhedet in Italy.
Includes documents in Italian, Yiddish and French.