P.R.O., British Archives, Foreign Office, Riots in Palestine 1936 - 1939, Letters and Reports

01.01.1936 - 31.12.1936

Reference Code : K 20 b - 58

Archive: P.R.O., British Archives, Foreign Office
Date Type: Approximate


FO 371/20022
- 29.7.-6.8.1936: Foreign Office correspondence about appointment of a Royal Commission chaired by Lord Peel to deal with Palestine question, in light of 1936 riots;
- Report from Alexandria on conversation between Sir LampBon and Nuri Pasha, Prince Regent of Egypt, on 4.8.1936 concerning problem of Palestine, expressing encouragement toward Arabs in Palestine.
Also in file: 24.7.1936 - Foreign Office reports to Polish Embassy about Jewish immigration from Poland into Palestine and the
possibility of reductions in quotas of Jewish immigrants allotted by the British authorities;