
December 3: Yosef Trumpeldor born, first Jewish officer in Czarist Army, among founders of Jewish Mule Corps and Tel Hai hero. Lost arm in Russo-Japanese War. Betar Movement named for him.

December 16: Yosef Lishansky and Naaman Belkind, NILI members, hanged in Damascus Prison, charged with spying against Ottoman Empire. NILI, was an underground organization aiding the British in World War One.

December 9: Demonstration in Tel Aviv, organized by Brit Hatzohar, against Mandate Government ban on immigration and protesting "hunt for tourists". 18 injured and 14 arrested in clashes with police.

December 4: 'Committee for Jewish Army' established in Washington, U.S., aiming to establish army of Jewish soldiers fighting alongside Allied Powers. Pierre van Paassen and Hillel Kook (Peter Bergson) head commission.

December 1: Menachem Begin, Natziv Betar Poland, appointed Etzel commander. Etzel conducts battle against the British Mandate, until founding of the state.

December 27: Etzel and Lehi stage combined attacks on Criminal Investigative Department Headquarters in Jerusalem and Jaffa, in framework of "Jewish Resistance" Movement.

December 27: West Jerusalem becomes Israeli capital, Knesset convenes there for first time. Government offices moved to Jerusalem, excepting Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs. U.N. and world capitals condemn move.

December 10: Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat receive Nobel Peace Prize at ceremony in Oslo, Norway.

December 14: Initiated by Prime Minister Menachem Begin, Knesset approves Ramat HaGolan Law, applying Israeli law and jurisdiction over the Golan Heights.