Selected Bibliography

 Books (English)

  1. The Five: a Novel of Jewish Life in Turn-of-the-Century Odessa (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2005)
  2. From the Pen of Jabotinsky, A Selection from the Written Works of Vladimir Jabotinsky (Cape Town: Unie Volkspers, 1941)
  3. The Jewish War Front (London: G. Allen & Unwin, 1940)
  4. Nation and Society, Selected Articles (Tel Aviv: Shilton Betar, 1961)
  5. A Pocket Edition of Several Stories Mostly Reactionary (Paris: La Presse Française & Etrangère, 1925)
  6. Prelude to Delilah (New York: Ackerman, 1945)
  7. Samson the Nazarite (London: M. Secker, 1930)
  8. The Story of the Jewish Legion (New York: Ackerman, 1945)
  9. Taryag Milim: 613 (Hebrew) Words. Introduction into Spoken Hebrew (in Latin Characters) (New York: Jabotinsky Foundation, 1949)
  10. Turkey and the War (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1917)
  11. The War and the Jew (New York: Dial Press, 1942)
  12. “Galilean Romance,” Scenario for a film, The Jabotinsky Institute Archives

Articles (English)

  1. “ABC of the Jewish Army,” The Jewish Herald 22, August 9, 1940, p.4
  2. “Achievements,” The Jewish Standard 43, February 4, 1944, p. 3,
  3. “Advent of a Miracle-Worker,” The Jewish Herald, March 3, 1939, p. 5
  4. “Affen Pripeschok,” The Jewish Herald, Sept 1947, p.6
  5. “The Aims of Zionism,” The Zionist 1. May 14, 1926, pp. 6-7
  6. “Al Chet Shechatanu,” The Jewish Herald 1, March 17, 1939, p. 3
  7. “Amen,” The Jewish Herald 19, July 21, 1939, p. 5
  8. “American Zionism,” The Zionist 4, June 25, 1926, pp.31-33
  9. “The Beginning,” The Jewish Call 2-3, Feb.-Mar. 1934, pp. 9-10
  10. “The Berit Trumpeldor, its Origin, Objects and Structure,” The Jewish Call 3:1, Jan. 1935, pp.9-12
  11. “The Betar View on State and Social Problems,” Hadar, NY 5-6, November 1940, pp. 114-118
  12. “Bialik,” introduction to Ch. N. Bialik, in Poems (London: Hasefer, 1924), pp. VII-XVIII
  13. “The Case,” The Jewish Call 7, July 1934, pp. 4-6
  14. “About Cassandra,” The Zionist 7. September 17, 1926, pp. 58-59
  15. “The Census in Palestine. A Political Manoeuvre?” The Jewish Chronicle, January 1, 1931, Supplement No. 121
  16. “Chloroformed,” The Jewish Call 83, September 15, 1940, p. 2. Cntd: No. 84, October 1, 1940, p. 5
  17. “Class,” in Nation and Society, pp. 69-72
  18. “Comments and Queries,” The Zionist 4, June 25, 1926, pp. 31-33
  19. “Consequences of White Paper,” The Jewish Herald, June 9, 1939, p. 5
  20. “The Crux of the Problem,” Palestine & Near East Economic Magazine 1. August 31, 1928
  21. “The Defence and Work Fund,” Our Voice, March-Apr 1935
  22. “Dr. Schlimazzel,” The Jewish Herald, July 7, 1939, p. 6
  23. “Edmee,” The Jewish Herald, September 29, 1943
  24. “Eleven O’clock,” The Jewish Herald, February 3, 1939, p. 5
  25. “Empty Words,” The Jewish Standard, September 19, 1941, p. 5
  26. “The End of the Partnership An Objective Forecast,” Israels Messenger, May 1, 1932, p.14
  27. “Ethics of the Iron Wall,” The Jewish Standard, September 5, 1941, p. 5
  28. “An Exchange of Compliments,” in Nation and Society, pp.21-29
  29. “The Fata Morgana Land,” The Jewish Herald, February 24, 1939, p. 5
  30. “A Few Steps from the Cross-roads,” The Jewish Herald, May 19, 1939, p. 5
  31. “Four Sons,” The Jewish Herald, April 19, 1940, p.4
  32. “His Children and Ours,” Hadar, N.Y., Nos. 1-3, February 1941, pp. 709
  33. “The Ideology of Betar,” in From the Pen of Jabotinsky, pp. 35-39
  34. “If I Were Young in 1932,” The Middle East and the West, July 7, 1958
  35. “Introduction to the theory of Economy,” in Nation and Society, pp. 73-84
  36. “The Iron Wall,” The Jewish Herald, November 6, 1937, p.3
  37. “The Jewish Boy,” The Jewish Standard, January 2, 1942, p. 6
  38. “The Jewish State,” The Current Jewish Record, November 1931, pp. 20-22
  39. “Jewish Types in Russian Fiction,” The Jewish Chronicle, June 5, 1931
  40. “The Jewish Units in the War,” in British Jewry Book of Honour, Michael Adler ed., London: Caxton Publishing Co., 1922, pp. 59-65
  41. “The Jewish World-Conference,” The Jewish Weekly, August 19, 1932, p. 7
  42. “Jews and Fascism, Some Remarks — and a Warning,” The Jewish Echo, May 10, 1935
  43. “The Jubilee Ideal,” in Naton and Society, pp. 62-67
  44. “The Knight of Hadar,” Tagar 12 (37), June 15, 1947, pp. 6-7, 20
  45. “Land Reform for Palestine,” The Zionist 2, May 28, 1926, pp. 11-12
  46. “Leader,” The Jewish Call 10, October 1934, p. 3
  47. “A Lecture on Jewish History,” in Nation and Society, pp. 14-19
  48. “The Lesson of “Hula,” The Jewish Call 3-4, April 1935, pp. 3-5
  49. “A Letter on Autonomy,” in Nation and Society, pp. 39-48
  50. “The Meaning of Preparedness,” Betar Monthly 1 (12), April 1932, pp. 7, 9
  51. “Momento,” Betar Monthly 1 (11), March 1932, pp. 4, 10
  52. “Moral Decline in Zionism,” The Jewish Chronicle, June 15, 1928, pp. 13-14
  53. “My Answer to Dr. Wise,” The Jewish Call 5, May 1935, pp. 11-13
  54. “Na’hamu, Na’hamu, Ammi,” The Jewish Call, December 12, 1938, pp. 3-4
  55. “National Labour Federation,” The Jewish Call, June 1934, p. 3
  56. “The National Loan,” The Jewish Call 1, March 1935
  57. “National Sport,” The Jewish Herald 9, May 12, 1939, p. 5
  58. “The New Exodus,” The Eleventh Hour 2, March 19, 1937, pp. 3, 6
  59. “NZO in South Africa,” The Eleventh Hour 12, June 4, 1937, pp. 5-6
  60. “No Way Out,” The Jewish Herald 3, March 31, 1939, p. 5
  61. “Odessa — City of Many Nations,” The Jewish Standard, September 12, 1941, p. 6
  62. “On Adventure,” The Jewish Herald, July 30, 1948, pp. 6, 11
  63. “On the Brink of the Precipice,” The Jewish Herald 40, December 17, 1937, p.5
  64. “The Other Max Nordau,” Hadar, N.Y., Nos. 1-3, February 1941, pp. 39-41, 46
  65. “Palestine — ‘The Seventh Dominion’,” The New Palestine, June 27, 1928
  66. “The Partner,” The Jewish Herald 48, February 10, 1939, p. 5
  67. “Patches,” The Jewish Call 2, April 1936m pp. 4, 8
  68. “The ‘Periple’ of Sarah the First,” The Jewish Herald, April 14, 1938, pp. 5, 10
  69. “The Philosophy of the Bible,” in Nation and Society, pp. 31-37
  70. “The Revolt of the Old Man,” in Nation and Society, pp. 57-60
  71. “The Rule of the Fist in the Yishuv,” The Jewish Weekly 29, November 14, 1932, pp. 12-13
  72. “Senatus Populusque Judaicus,” The Eleventh Hour 6, April 23, 1937, pp. 14-16
  73. “Sha’atnez lo Yalle Alekha,” The Jewish Herald, January 21, 1938, p. 6
  74. “She,” The Jewish Chronicle, February 23, 1923
  75. “Shiva,” in From the Pen of Jabotinsky, pp. 26-34
  76. “Shtai Gidot,” Betar, NY, 2, August 1, 1946, pp. 5-8
  77. “Social Redemption,” Our Voice, NY 2 (1), January 1935
  78. “Socialism and the Bible,” The Jewish Chronicle, January 30, 1931
  79. “Sold for Nothing,” The Jewish Herald 14, June 16, 1939, p. 5
  80. “Sunk without Trace,” The Eleventh Hour 25, September 3, 1937, pp. 16-17, 27
  81. “A Talk with Zangwill,” The Jewish Herald 21, August 4, 1939, pp. 5, 7
  82. “The Night of Passover,” The Jewish Herald 6, April 21, 1939, p. 5
  83. “Those who Saved,’ The Jewish Call 11, November 1934, p. 3
  84. “The Total,” The Jewish Call 3-4, May-June 1936, p. 4
  85. “Trumpeldor’s anniversary,” Hadar, NY 1-3, February 1941, pp.15-16
  86. “Twenty four Hours,” The Jewish Standard, April 10, 1941, pp. 4, 9
  87. “The Typewriter Speaks,” in From the Pen of Jabotinsky, pp. 99-104
  88. “Unmasked,” The Jewish Call 7, July 1934, pp. 8-9
  89. “Vanity of Vanities,” The Jewish Herald 49, January 17, 1939, p. 5
  90. “Wanted: a Plan,” The Jewish Herald 4, April 6, 1939, p. 5
  91. “What England Promised,” The Jewish Chronicle, October 10, 1930, pp. 19, 20
  92. “What has been Evacuated,” The Jewish Herald 20, July 28, 1939, pp. 5,6
  93. “What we were Promised,” The Eleventh Hour 1, March 12, 1937, pp. 3, 10
  94. “When the World was Young,” The Jewish Herald July 25, 1947, p. 9
  95. “A White Paper against Diaspora Jewry,” The Jewish Herald 15, June 23, 1939, p. 5
  96. “Zion and Communism,” Hadar, NY, 1-3, February 1941
  97. “The Zionism of De Hass,” The Jewish Herald 15, June 21, 1940
  98. “Zionist Fascism,” The Zionist 4, June 25, 1926, pp. 38-39

Collected Works (Hebrew), Jerusalem: E. Jabotinsky Ltd., 1947-1959, 18 vols.

Vol. 1 — Autobiography
Vol. 2 — Nation and Society (Collection of Essays)
Vol. 3 — Spartacus and other Stories (Translation from Italian)
Vol. 4 — On the Way to Statehood (Collection of Essays)
Vol. 5 — In Times of Wrath (Collection of Essays)
Vol. 6 — Memoirs of a Contemporary (Collection of Essays)
Vol. 7 — The Five (An Autobiographical Novel)
Vol. 8 — First Zionist Writings (Collection of Essays)
Vol. 9 — Letters
Vol. 10 — Speeches, 1905-1926
Vol. 11 — Speeches, 1927-1940
Vol. 12 — In a Foreign Land (5 Acts Play)
Vol. 13 — Stories
Vol. 14 — On Literature and Art (Collection of Essays)
Vol. 15 — Feuilletons
Vol. 16 — Short Sketches
Vol. 17 — Poems
Vol. 18 — Samson (A Novel)