November (1)
November 4: Jabotinsky states in article, "The Iron Wall", "Only way to reach agreement with the Arabs is an Iron Wall, strength in Eretz Israel, which no Arab influence can undermine."
November 5: Union of Zionist Revisionists Third Conference in Eretz Israel, in presence of Jabotinsky. Adopted Soskin's plan for intensive agricultural settlement, and resolved to establish Betar in Eretz Israel.
November 25: Betar Naval School in Civitavecchia, Italy, established, headed by Commander Nicola Fusco. Appoints Shlomo Arel, eventually Israel Navy commander. First class composed of 12 students, increasing later.
November 3: Avraham Stern ("Yair") publishes Lehi (Fighters for Freedom of Israel) 're-birth' principles: to establish 'Malkut Israel' for the Jewish people, build a just authority and rebuild the Temple.
November 6: Am Lohem (Fighting People) Movement established, by Etzel members, Lankin, Ravid and Lubotzky, aiming to renew struggle against British, along with other elements in the Jewish community.
November 1: "There will be no civil war." Etzel, under command of Menachem Begin, disallows Underground fighters' response to Hagana actions against them. Etzel fighters heed directive for 10 months.
November 9: Israel's first president, Dr. Chaim Weizmann, dies in Rehovot. Jabotinsky's close friend early in his Zionist career. Later, they part ways, still remaining personal friends.
November 16: Moshe Ichilov dies, Tel Aviv Acting Mayor and Jaffa Administrative Head. Among Herut Movement leaders and municipal, appointed to city's health services. Tel Aviv's largest hospital named for him.
November 2: Gahal (Herut-Liberal Bloc) first appears in Sixth Knesset elections, headed by Menachem Begin, winning 26 seats, second Knesset faction. Begin serves as Likud National government minister in this Knesset.