Shilton Betar, Paris - London, Third Betar World Conference, Warsaw: Report, Pamphlet Produced with Aid from Netzivut Betar Romania, Bucharest 1940
11.09.1938 - 16.09.1938
Reference Code : B 2 - 32/ 1
Shilton Betar, Paris - London
Material status:
ב2 -32_1.PDF
Report on Third World Conference: opening speech by Jabotinsky, agenda and summary of discussions; lectures on defense training, national culture, naval department, Tel Hai Fund, Volunteer Service Units in Eretz Israel, Conference decisions.
Speech by Zeev Jabotinsky at Betar Third World Conference at meeting dedicated to memory of Shlomo Ben Yosef.
Also in file: delegate's card, invitation to opening meeting.