N.Z.O. Political Office, Jerusalem, South Africa Branch - Correspondence
15.01.1941 - 20.03.1946
Reference Code : G 6 - 6/ 10
N.Z.O. Political Office, Jerusalem
Material status:
ג6- 6_10.PDF
Hatzach - New Zionist Organization:
Main topics: Proposal to arrange Hatzach conference in South Africa; Discussions about gathering of Hatzach World Conference in Eretz Israel; Necessity for new elections to Executive; Personal conflicts within Executive in London; Situation of Hatzach in South Africa; Financial matters; Sending Zeev Von Weisl to South Africa; Question of participation in 22nd Zionist Congress.
Also in file: Memorandum about unity agreement between Zionist Federation and Hatzach in South Africa; Decisions taken at Hatzach meeting in South Africa on 20 - 22.5.1944 about status of the Jewish State and activity to achieve U.N. its recognition, and support for gathering of a World Conference and elections to Executive.