N.Z.O. Political Office, Jerusalem, Foreign Consulates and Embassies - Correspondence
15.10.1940 - 02.09.1944
Reference Code : G 6 - 9/ 1
N.Z.O. Political Office, Jerusalem
Material status:
ג6- 9_1.PDF
Hatzach - New Zionist Organization:
Correspondence with Foreign Consulates and Embassies:
United States about visas and personal requests, and demand to reinstate equal rights to Jews of French North Africa conquered by the Americans;
Czechoslovakia about murder of Europe's Jews;
Sweden about saving Jews of Denmark;
Egypt, France, Iran and Turkey about visas;
Belgium, Greece, and Yugoslavia.
Also in file: interview of HaMashkif editor with Lowell Pinkerton, U.S. General Consul in Jerusalem, about U.S. relationship to peoples of the Middle East.
Article from HaMashkif newspaper about Nahhas Pasha visit in Eretz Israel.
Hatzach (New Zionist Organization) memorandum about the Jewish problem and Eretz Israel.