N.Z.O. Political Office, Jerusalem, Correspondence About Prisoners and Detainees

11.10.1940 - 20.01.1946

Reference Code : G 6 - 11/ 1

Archive: N.Z.O. Political Office, Jerusalem
Material status: Scanned


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Hatzach (New Zionist Organization):
Correspondence about matters concerning: Yehezkel Altman, Yaakov Kutik, Hanania Ben Yehuda, Yehiel Givoni, Ruth HaLevi, Bezalel Wahl, Bernard Teitler (Dov Tamari), Yosef Mordechai, Avraham Shein and others.
Also in file: Verdict in trials of David Ben Reuven Orlovsky and Yitzhak Ben Shlomo Zarnitsky, given in Beit HaMishpat LeShalom (Court of Peace), in Tel Aviv 15.1.1942