N.Z.O. Political Office, Jerusalem, High Commissioner - Correspondence

18.05.1942 - 06.02.1946

Reference Code : G 6 - 8/ 1

Archive: N.Z.O. Political Office, Jerusalem
Material status: Scanned


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Hatzach - New Zionist Organization:
Concerning the refugees in detention in Atlit; Coordinating meetings.
Also in file: Protocol of conversation between High Commissioner in Eretz Israel, Lord Gort, and Dr. Arie Altman from 9.11.1944; Form to be signed by United States citizens for a petition to the High Commissioner about opening gates of Eretz Israel to Jewish immigration and right of the Jews to establish a national home in Eretz Israel.
Also form for signature by U.S. citizens on petition to members of U.S. Congress about call to British government to fulfill its obligation, under the Mandate, to bring about establishment of national homeland for Jews in Eretz Israel.