Betar Eretz Israel, Work Groups Headquarters, Betar Latvia - Correspondence

06.11.1932 - 13.06.1934

Reference Code : B 5 - 4/ 8

Archive: Betar Eretz Israel, Work Groups Headquarters
Material status: Scanned


ב5 -4_8.PDF Download


Main topics:
Situation in Eretz Israel and professional preparation necessary for olim (immigrants); Requests to arrange work for olim; Sending newspapers and information; Personal details about Latvian immigrants and dividing them among Units; Demand to pay aliyah tax; Request to increase pace of aliyah; Sending brochures from 'Sifriat HaPlugot'.
Also in file: List of members removed from Betar due to their refusal to enlist in Work Units; Letter of commitment to enlist in Work Units upon immigration to Eretz Israel.