N.Z.O. Presidency, London, Notices to Newspapers and Press Conferences

21.04.1936 - 16.07.1945

Reference Code : G 4 - 1/ 8

Archive: N.Z.O. Presidency, London
Material status: Scanned


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Hatzach (New Zionist Organization):
Main topics:
Proposal to establish Legislative Council in Eretz Israel; Response to British policy regarding 1936 - 1939 Riots and need for self-defense.
Revisionist Movement opposition to Partition Plan; Jabotinsky's Three Point Plan for Jewish settlement; Discrimination in distributing certificates to Betar members; Criticism of White Paper; Reaction to Britain's accusation that German spies have been succeeding to infiltrate into Eretz Israel by way of illegal immigrants;
Denial of connection between Etzel and Hatzach; Description of Jewish situation following World War II as basis for establishment of a Jewish state; Public statement regarding Shlomo Ben Yosef Affair;
Report by Shalom Rosenfeld on situation of Betar in Poland.