N.Z.O. Presidency, London, Correspondence with Branches and Members Concerning Illegal Immigration

06.01.1939 - 29.05.1940

Reference Code : G 4 - 4/ 12/ 2

Archive: N.Z.O. Presidency, London
Material status: Scanned


ג4 -4_12_2.PDF Download


Hatzach (New Zionist Organization):
Reports on activities of representatives involved in illegal immigration and transferring funds;
Organizational coordination about convoys of illegal immigrants; Proposal to create the center for national immigration; Lists of names.
Report by Ludmila Epstein about illegal immigration of Revisionist Movement, Bucharest, 7/5/1940.
Support from Josiah Wedgwood in helping refugees to immigrate to Eretz Israel.
Also in file: Protocol of meeting about organization for illegal immigration (Paris 6/2/1939).
Includes documents in German, French, Yiddish and Russian.