N.Z.O. Presidency, London, Correspondence On Illegal Immigration
01.09.1939 - 13.05.1940
Reference Code : G 4 - 4/ 13/ 2
Hatzach (New Zionist Organization):
Correspondence with representatives about transferring funds to organize illegal immigration and payments to banks and ship companies;
Conflict with owners of ship the Naomi Yulia; Problem of legality of connection with banks under German occupation; List of names.
Report by Ben Horin about condition of Hatzach Branch in Bucharest and correspondence on subject.
Also in file: Statement by Jacobi about Welfare Office for Jewish Emigrants and Refugees in Bratislava; Items from British newspapers about recognition of government of Slovakia; Statement about illegal immigrant ships Naami Yulia and Parita.
Memorandum about Jewish aliyah to Eretz Israel.
Includes documents in French.
Photocopy from File F 17/4 in Central Zionist Archive.