N.Z.O. Presidency, London, ZIONEWS Zionist News Bulletin, Hebrew Edition, No. 1-22

16.04.1937 - 26.10.1939

Reference Code : G 4 - 21/ 4

Archive: N.Z.O. Presidency, London
Material status: Scanned


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Hatzach (New Zionist Organization):
Main topics:
Updates concerning political situation in Eretz Israel and Europe; Negotiations over organizing Round Table Conference among Yishuv (pre-State Community) representatives; Certificates; Peel Commission activity; Opposition and struggle against Partition Plan; Arrest of Revisionists in Eretz Israel and condition of prisoners in Acre Prison; Approval of Hatzohar petition regarding a Jewish state by Mandates Commission; Decisions from meeting of Party Council in Warsaw and Hatzach Presidency meeting with Hatzohar Executive Committee; Reports on activities and visits of Hatzach executives; Arrival of ship the Sarah Aleph to Eretz Israel.
Missing Nos. 10, 12, 13, 15-18, 20-21.