N.Z.O. Presidency, London, Administrative Committee - Protocols
03.03.1940 - 01.12.1941
Reference Code : G 4 - 27/ 1
Hatzach (New Zionist Organization):
Main topics:
Responsibilities of Administrative Committee; Financial matters; Appointments; Reports on members of the Committee and their activities; Contacts connected with establishing a Jewish army; Negotiations to establish a Jewish army; Negotiations for cooperation and establishing a unified front with Zionist Organization; Report on conference of Zionist Organization;
Also in file: Two protocols from meetings of Hatzach Presidency about founding an Aerial Clubhouse; Sinking of illegal immigrant ship the Pencho; Immigration issues and relations with Betar in Eretz Israel.
Protocols from appointment meeting of Hotzaat Galil (HaGalil Publishing) London, from 7.4.40 about appointments and shares in the company.