Hatzohar, Executive Committee, Paris - London, Petition Campaign; Instructions and Petition in Various Languages

01.01.1934 - 31.05.1934

Reference Code : G 3 - 4/ 1

Archive: Hatzohar, Executive Committee, Paris - London
Material status: Scanned
Date Type: Approximate


ג3 -4_1.PDF Download


Hatzohar (Zionist Revisionists):
Original petition concerning criticism of British policy towards the Jews and demand for free immigration and establishment of a Jewish state.
Forms for signing the petition in France, Lithuania, Poland and South Africa.
Pamphlet from Hatozhar World Political Department about the petition.
Newspaper items reporting on criticism of Hatzohar petition by the Zionist Executive and Jewish Agency.
Article by Wolfgang von Weisl about aims of the petition.
Includes documents in German, French, Polish, English, Hebrew and Yiddish.