Hatzohar, Executive Committee, Paris - London, Negotiations with Zionist Executive, Federation of Laborers and MAPAI (Workers Party of Eretz Israel)
04.12.1933 - 31.03.1935
Reference Code : G 3 - 4/ 2
Hatzohar, Executive Committee, Paris - London
Material status:
Date Type:
ג3 -4_2.PDF
Hatzohar (Zionist Revisionists):
Hatzohar proposal to conduct negotiations with MAPAI (Workers Party of Eretz Israel).
Proposals and drafts of agreement between Hatzohar and Zionist Executive concerning settling relationship between the two parties and the two labor federations, certificates, national arbitration and establishing joint organizations.
(Includes correspondence between Zeev Jabotinsky and David Ben Gurion.)
Report by Jabotinsky to Hatzohar Center in Eretz Israel regarding the agreement.
Newspaper items reporting on Hatzohar status in the Zionist Organization and negotiations between the bodies.
Also in file: Story - How Culture in Dubrovno was Formed.
Includes documents in German, French, Russian, Hebrew, English and Yiddish.