Hatzohar, Central Committee, Eretz Israel, Tel Hai Fund - Correspondence

02.10.1930 - 24.11.1935

Reference Code : G 10 - 50

Archive: Hatzohar, Central Committee, Eretz Israel
Material status: Scanned


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Hatzohar Eretz Israel - Zionists Revisionists:
Main topics:
Organizing Bnei Betar Mutual Credit Fund, Ltd.
Proposal to establish Aviotechnics Department of at Technion in Haifa. Progress of Kupat Holim (Health Fund) for National Labour.
Also in file: Section from Bnei Betar Mutual Credit Fund, Ltd.
Circular by Zvi Bonfeld about need for dues payment in order to establish Hatzach (New Zionist Organization).
Includes documents in German, Russian and Yiddish.