N.Z.O. Head Office, Eretz Israel, Hatzach Executive London - Correspondence

04.01.1940 - 18.12.1940

Reference Code : G 10 a - 3/ 18/ 5

Archive: N.Z.O. Head Office, Eretz Israel
Material status: Scanned


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Hatzach - New Zionist Organization:
Main topics:
Situation in National Committee; Relationship with National Labour Organisation; Question of participation in Kofer HaYishuv (Community Ransom Fund); National Labour Organisation joining Unified Labor Bureau; Tel Hai Fund; Relationship between Vaad HaMurshim (Central Committee) and the Executive; Negotiations with Jewish Agency about unifying charitable funds; Illegal immigration; Collecting funds to rescue Jews from Europe and re-settling them in Eretz Israel; Proposal to establish Jewish army; Aliyah (immigration) and certificates; Preparations for Hatzach conference in Eretz Israel; Idea to establish a provisional Jewish government; Question of a Jewish representation in Polish National Council; Negotiations in anticipation of holding Round Table Conference with Jewish Agency; Activities of Executive following death of Zeev Jabotinsky.