N.Z.O. Head Office, Eretz Israel, Tel Hai Fund - Correspondence
01.04.1937 - 12.09.1940
Reference Code : G 10 a - 3/ 20
N.Z.O. Head Office, Eretz Israel
Material status:
ג10א- 3_20.PDF
Hatzach - New Zionist Organization:
Main topics: Question of Vaad HaMurshim (Central Committee) authority in Tel Hai Fund matters in Eretz Israel; Problem of exit permits from Eretz Israel for representatives of Tel Hai Fund; Request from Hatzach Head Office in Eretz Israel for financial assistance from Tel Hai Fund.
Also in file: Agreement between Arie Altman, Central Authority of Hatzach Eretz Israel and S. Meirovitz, National Commissioner of Tel Hai Fund in Eretz Israel about arranging relationship between Vaad HaMurshim and Tel Hai Fund.
Memorandum and correspondence of M. Tragin and A. Levin with Tel Hai Fund executive about rescuing Jews and bringing them to Eretz Israel.