N.Z.O. Head Office, Eretz Israel, Circulars and Publications from Various Bodies

04.02.1937 - 31.05.1940

Reference Code : G 10 a - 16/ 10

Archive: N.Z.O. Head Office, Eretz Israel
Material status: Scanned
Date Type: Approximate


ג10א- 16_10.PDF Download


Hatzach - New Zionist Organization:
Circulars from:
Mapai (Workers Party of Eretz Israel) about responsibility for murder of Arabs in Eretz Israel; Histadrut HaTzofim HaIvriim (Organization of Jewish Scouts) in Eretz Israel to schools about character of Tzofim Movement and their activities; The Marine Trust Ltd. about events in Tel Aviv Port; Extract from article in Haaretz (The Land) newpaper about disorder in distribution of certificates;
Notices from:
National labourers in the port about their work conditions; Election publicity from the Zionist Labor List and Union of General Zionist Federation; Effort by Mapai (Workers Party of Eretz Israel) to control volunteer firefighters; Call to Tel Aviv residents to purchase products by Jewish labor exclusively; Call to listen to Kol Israel radio station; Call to Jews to act to open gates of Eretz Israel.
Informative items from Arab newspapers with summary of pamphlet 'In Syria and In Lebanon' from the Committee to Rescue Eretz Israel.
Bulletin from Zionist Labor Fund about aliyah (immigration), employment and kupat holim (health fund); Bulletin from HaBrit HaOlamit Shel Hatzionim HaClaliim (World Union of General Zionists) in Eretz Israel about discussions in London and Yishuv (pre-State community) Assembly in Jerusalem, Kofer HaYishuv (Community Ransom Fund), Shekel Campaign.
Overview of discussions in London with Arabs, activities of security forces in Eretz Israel, Arab gangs and situation in Syria.
Notice in German about Chaim Weizmann and MacDonald White Paper.