Hatzohar Bnei Brak, Correspondence with Central Committee of Hatzohar Eretz Israel

27.02.1931 - 26.07.1935

Reference Code : G 10 d - 1

Archive: Hatzohar Bnei Brak


Hatzohar - Zionist Revisionists
Main topics: Fundraising campaign for HaAm newspaper, selecting branch committee and its decision to move toward building Beit Jabotinsky (Jabotinsky House), invitation to Zeev Jabotinsky to lay corner stone, Dinar Campaign, preparations for Brit Hatzohar World Conference, preparations for Hatzohar referendum, invitations to meetings and lectures.
Also in file: Hatzohar Eretz Israel Headquarters circulars about re-registration of Hatzohar Eretz Israel members, tax for Central Committee expenses, Labor Organization and Dinar Month, instructions prior to Hatzohar National Conference, appointing provisional elections committees in Hatzohar branches and their role, voting privileges, Congress committees, elections, organizing elections protocol, details of number of mandates for each country.