Etzel Diaspora Headquarters, Paris, Correspondence with Germany Branch
01.01.1946 - 31.12.1949
Reference Code : K 18 - 2/ 12/ 1
Main topics: Attempt to release Etzel prisoners in Germany. Preparations for acts of sabotage against British and Haganah. Immigration of Etzel members to Eretz Israel. Relations with Betar and Haganah. Recruiting former military men to Jewish Legion. Plan to create invasion force. Iron Fund appeal. Weapons procurement. Instructions to establish Friends of The Herut Movement. Reports on Germany branch activities and list of branch commanders. Questionnaire for personal information. Lists of names.
Etzel notice to Committee of Jewish Camp in Feldafing warning not to imprison Etzel members. Notice calling for Etzel Diaspora members to emigrate to Israel. Also in the file: Herut bulletin for internal use (Yiddish). Includes documents in Yiddish and German.