Etzel Collection, Instructions from Zeev Jabotinsky

05.12.1936 - 05.07.1940

Reference Code : K 4 - 1/ 10

Archive: Etzel Collection
Material status: Scanned


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Agreement between Zeev Jabotinsky and Avraham Tehomi regarding character of the organization and relations with Vaad Hamurshim ((Central Committee) of Hatzach (New Zionist Organization) and Betar Eretz Israel.
Letter from Jabotinsky to Avraham Tehomi asking him not to resign.
Administrative and organizational instructions by Zeev Jabotinsky regarding organization.
Order by Zeev Jabotinsky to Etzel to avoid independent work in political sphere.
Instructions by Zeev Jabotinsky regarding negotiations between Etzel and Hagana relating to unification.
Letter from group of Etzel members under authority of Avraham Stern (Yair) to Zeev Jabotinsky during period of the split.
Protocol of meeting about organizing an aliyah center between Betar and Etzel.