Etzel Collection, Publications Relating to Hagana and Relationship Between Etzel and Hagana - Pamphlets, Newspapers, Notices, Leaflets
01.12.1944 - 07.07.1948
Reference Code : K 4 - 12/ 3
Background to war to liberate Eretz Israel:
Pamphlet regarding relationship between Etzel and Hagana; "The Hunting Season", Resistance Movement, dissolution and propaganda campaign by Hagana against Etzel.
Pamphlet "Only Thus" (see summary in file 4/12/1/14).
Newspaper items about collaboration between the underground movements in the Resistance Movement and that Etzel not dragged into civil war, despite pursuit of its people.
Leaflets regarding Hagana relationship to Etzel members following dissolution of Resistance Movement, accusation that Hagana collaborated with the British; call to survey the people regarding campaign against British; rejection of Partition Plan; facts of King David Hotel explosion; quarrels in displaced persons camps in Austria; call to establish provisional Jewish government and National High Council; warning to Hagana against potential of civil war; call for unification of Jewish forces and preparations for war;
Publication of Hagana involvement in decision to conquer Deir Yassin, daily command following Etzel battalions' entry to Tzahal (IDF).
Includes document in French.