Etzel Collection, Brochures for Etzel Propagandists

01.01.1939 - 31.05.1940

Reference Code : K 4 - 12/ 4

Archive: Etzel Collection
Material status: Scanned
Date Type: Approximate


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Brochures published by Etzel public relations department for propagandists in various schools and youth movements on topic: Zeev Jabotinsky's words to youth, differences between soldiers and citizens, necessity to establish a Jewish army in order to found a Jewish state, Etzel stage of development, relations with Workers Movement and Hagana, report on events in the Yishuv (pre-State community), defeat of Poland, developments among the Arabs, character of the Jewish people, the political and Zionist failure, reports on internal trials, critique of Jewish Agency activity and the British, necessity to concentrate fight against the Arabs, response to publication of White Paper, list of those suspected of cooperating with Workers Movement and the British.