Etzel Collection, Leaflets and Notices - No. 172 - 310a
02.01.1946 - 30.12.1947
Reference Code : K 4 - 13/ 3
Declarations by Eliyahu Sand and Moshe Balkovsky in military court, Jerusalem.
Yishuv (pre-State community): criticism of Hagana, Yishuv leadership and Jewish Agency memorandum to British government; call to unite and fight the British; call to turn to international community at end of WW II and the European Jewish Holocaust.
Call to join Etzel. American Jewry call-up for Etzel cause.
British rule: criticism of British policy in Eretz Israel; response to Black Sabbath imprisonments; shooting at prisoners in Eritrea detention camp; order by General Barker to British officers and soldiers to sever ties with Jews of Eretz Israel.
London Conference
Criticism of Anglo-American Commission of Inquiry.
Etzel actions: attacks on British training camps and weapons arsenals; confiscation of weapons and monies; attacks on various headquarters of C.I.D. (British Central Intelligence Department) headquarters and Mandate institutions; raids on railways and trains; explosion of King David Hotel; raid on British Embassy in Rome;
Warning to British government and civilian population not to approach government offices; warning to civilian public against riding trains; warning to British not to carry out lashing sentences against Jewish soldiers; notification of torture of prisoners in Acre Prison and threat of hunger strike; notices in memory of Olei Hagardom (Death Row Prisoners), David Raziel and Etzel fallen.
Court testimonies: testimonies and declarations by the accused in trial of the 20.
Declaration by Yosef Simchon and Michael Ashbel in Jerusalem military court.
Etzel actions: lashing of four British soldiers (Night of the Lashings); raids on army quarters and British military vehicles; attack on British Officers' Club in Jerusalem; oil pipeline explosion; attacks on transportation lines; Acre Prison break in; truth about King David explosion; hanging of two British sergeants; raids on British vehicles and headquarters in Austria; attack on British headquarters in
north of Eretz Israel;
Etzel actions against Arabs; notice about verdicts for traitors.
Criticism of British policies: expulsion of illegal immigrants; Dov Gruner affair; imposition of martial law; imprisonment of 5 Etzel members on Night of Lashings; affair of illegal immigrant ship the Exodus.
Yishuv (pre-State community): relationship between Hashomer Hatzair (The Youth Guard) and Hagana; criticism of Hagana policy and Yishuv institutions; on verge of civil war; Hagana actions against Etzel members.
Resistance Movement one year anniversary of dissolution.
Etzel call: to establish a fighting leadership, independent government and to join forces into a unified liberation army; organization of peoples' referendum regarding a war to liberate Eretz Israel; enlistment in underground; opposition to U.N. Partition Plan.
U.N. discussions about Eretz Israel question.
Declaration of Gad Sulami before British military court in Jerusalem.
Comment: Some leaflets received in 2012 not yet scanned.