Etzel Collection, Altalena Affair - Brochures and Publications in Various Languages (including later years)

11.06.1948 - 23.06.1948

Reference Code : K 4 - 20/ 6

Archive: Etzel Collection
Material status: Scanned
Date Type: Approximate


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Etzel declaration following Altalena Affair criticizing the provisional government for its action, calling for its resignation and cancelling instruction given to Etzel soldiers to enlist in Tzahal (IDF).
Publication about the facts of the Altalena Affair.
Pamphlet: The Altalena Incident - A Chronological Account, publication of the American League for a Free Palestine.
The Truth in the Altalena Affair: text of broadcast by Menachem Begin on 22.6.1948
'The Jewish Press' - newspaper issue marking 30 years since the Altalena Affair
Includes publications in French and Russian.