Etzel Collection, Delek (Etzel Intelligence Department) - Arab Department - Reports From and Concerning the Arab Camp

01.02.1939 - 30.11.1939

Reference Code : K 4 - 31/ 7/ 17

Archive: Etzel Collection
Material status: Scanned
Date Type: Approximate


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Call to Arab people to join the revolt; Report from visit to Beirut and Damascus; Reports on political situation in Syria and Lebanon; Arab stance regarding London Conference; Situation in Arab Movement; Various persons and meetings; Gang activities; Arab reaction to White Paper; Criticism of British policy; Attempts by British and French governments to gain support of the Mufti in the international arena; Escape by Mufti to Iraq.
Call to establish a high commission to aid Arabs in Eretz Israel; Call to Arabs in Eretz Israel to carry arms and to attack Jews;
Leaflet calling to Arab people to unite and not to aid the British authorities; Statement of Arab Higher Committee regarding London Conference and British policy regarding Eretz Israel question;
Letter sent by Arab National Youth to Colonial Secretary MacDonald protesting against Jewish crimes;
Photographs of gang members;
Includes leaflets in Arabic and brochure written by agents of the Mufti.