Atty. Max Seligman - Archives, Correspondence with New Zionist Organization Institutions

03.01.1936 - 24.03.1940

Reference Code : HT 13 - 2/ 1

Archive: Atty. Max Seligman - Archives
Material status: Scanned


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Main topics: treatment of New Zionist Organization prioners in Eretz Israel, critique of attitude and conditions under which New Zionist Organization prisoners were held, intention to demand establishment of commission of inquiry about state of prisons in Eretz Israel, Max Seligman participation in this committee, involvement of Max Seligman in treatment of revisionists prisoners, establishment of investment comanpy in Eretz Israel by South African Jews, construction of building for Kupat Holim (Health Fund) for National Labour, payment for legal services. Drafting memoranda to High Commissioner about: Legislative Council, problem of security in Eretz Israel and proposal to establish separate Jewish police units. Various indictments. Notice calling for youth to organize for war on immigration and settlement rights. Includes document in German.