Shilton Betar European World Headquarters, Paris, Correspondence with Netzivut Betar Italy

23.12.1945 - 18.11.1946

Reference Code : B 4 - 4/ 1

Archive: Shilton Betar European World Headquarters, Paris
Material status: Scanned


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Main topics:
Betar activity in Italy; Relationship with Eretz Israel representative; Internal problems in Betar Italy branch; Netzivut resignation; Training and aliyah matters; Connections with the Joint and various aliyah and preparatory organizations; Organizational instructions; Financial matters; Financial reports; Preparations for visit of Aharon Propes to Italy.
Preparations for Hatzohar (Zionist Revisionist) National Assembly and World Conference;
Shekel campaign and preparations for 22nd Zionist Congress.
Request addressed to Hatzach (New Zionist Organization) London Executive to receive instructions and money;
'HaShalhevet' weekly publication in Yiddish;
Includes letters in Yiddish and French.