Netzivut Betar Eretz Israel, Correspondence with Shilton Betar (including letter from 1931)

01.05.1939 - 04.07.1940

Reference Code : B 8 g - 5/ 9

Archive: Netzivut Betar Eretz Israel
Material status: Scanned


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Main topics:
Incitement against Shimshon Unichman in Betar; Report on Betar loss of autonomy in Eretz Israel, through attempt to integrate with Hatzach (New Zionist Organization) and proposals to repair the current situation;
Sending certificates to Lithuania; Necessity to collect monies for Tel Tzur settlement; Report about conflicts in Ken HaMetzudah.
Includes letter from 1931 about decision by Shilton Betar to dissolve the Netzivut.