Altman Arie, Correspondence with Institutions of the Revisionist Movement
13.08.1938 - 01.01.1948
Reference Code : P 8 - 23
Altman Arie
Correspondence between Arie Altman and the following:
Hatzohar (Zionist Revisionists) representation in South Africa, Mirelman, Robert Cohen, Tzipora Segal, Tel Hai Fund, "HaMashkif" administration, Professor Harold Lasky, Hatzach (New Zionist Organization) United States, Hatzach Britain, H.S. HaLevi, Hatzach Eretz Israel.
Main topics; Organization for Immigration of European Jews following World War Two, deportees to the Sudan, employing Betar soldiers following their release from the army, budget of HaMashkif newspaper, relations between Hatzach and Etzel, claiming reparations payments from Germany.