Hatzohar, Executive Committee, London, Correspondence with Zionist Organization Executive, London
04.01.1931 - 28.07.1933
Reference Code : G 2 - 4/ 9/ 2
Hatzohar, Executive Committee, London
Material status:
ג2 -4_9_2.PDF
Hatzohar (Zionist Revisionists):
Main topics:
Criticism of Zionist leadership policy in political sphere and relation to Britain; Issues of elections in preparation for 17th Zionist Congress; Criticism that decision of 17th Zionist Congress concerning recomposition of Eretz Israel offices has not been carried out; Efforts to distance Revisionists from Shekel Committee; Restrictions on Betar immigration and discrimination by Jewish Agency in distributing certificates.
Report of Jewish Agency Executive concerning contacts by Sokolow and Brodetsky with new government in England.
List of names of Revisionists and their countries of origin.
Includes documents in German, Yiddish and Russian.