Hatzohar, Executive Committee, London, Correspondence with Hatzohar in Eretz Israel

19.08.1929 - 16.07.1933

Reference Code : G 2 - 5/ 12

Archive: Hatzohar, Executive Committee, London
Material status: Scanned


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Hatzohar (Zionist Revisionists):
Main topics:
Preparations for elections to Knesset Israel (Organized Jewish Community in Eretz Israel) and Assembly of Representatives; Activities of the Hatzohar Central Committee in Eretz Israel; Events in the Zionist Organization; Dinar Campaign; Immigration issues; Organization of Hatzohar commission in Eretz Israel and its decisions; Organizational issues; Question of relations between Hatzohar and the Zionist Organization; Report on status of HaAm newspaper; Internal conflicts in Hatzohar in Eretz Israel; Reports on events in Eretz Israel; Sending informative and publicity materials; Preparations for Hatzohar World Conference; Demand to form a neutral labor bureau; Conflicts about labor issues between Hatzohar Workers Organization and Betar and the Histadrut (General Federation of Laborers); Events in Hatzohar in Eretz Israel following Katowice Conference and question of relations with Betar; Memorandum to British government about the Western (Wailing) Wall in Jerusalem.
Includes documents in Russian, German, Yiddish and English.