United Zionists Revisionists, Head Office, Paris, United States Branch - Correspondence

11.11.1946 - 30.12.1947

Reference Code : G 7 - 3/ 6

Archive: United Zionists Revisionists, Head Office, Paris
Material status: Scanned


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Brit Hatzohar HaMeuhedet - United Zionists Revisionists Organisation:
Main topics;
Organizational matters; Call to United States to get involved in situation in Eretz Israel; Memorandum from Hatzohar in U.S. to Secretary General of United Nations about Eretz Israel question; Report on Hatzohar in U.S. participation in Special Zionist Conference organized by Jewish Emergency Committee;
Overview on topic of boycott of British products in U.S.; Notice calling for general Jewish recruitment; Condemnation of Britain for hanging Dov Gruner; Activity to present Eretz Israel problem to United Nations Special Investigative Committee; Opposition to Partition Plan; Question of support for Etzel; Call to establish Jewish state in Eretz Israel; Demand to consider Underground members as prisoners of war; Imprisonment of Revisionist leaders on 5 August 1947 condemned.
Reports on Hatzohar activities among U.S. government members; Preparations to organize conferences; Innsbruck affair; Danger of Arab states' concentration of forces; Agreement regarding joint fund collection by all sources in U.S. Fundraising organization for Etzel; Reports on situation of the movement.
List of names of Administrative Committee and Executive Committee members.
Includes documents in Yiddish, Polish, Russian and German.