Herut Movement, Center Meeting Protocols - typewritten
01.01.1976 - 29.12.1976
Reference Code : H 1 - 2/ 27/ 2
Herut Movement
ה 1\ה1 _ 27_2_2.pdf
Main topics: Before Security Council meeting to discuss problem of Eretz Israel, with presence of PLO representative. Criticism of government policy. Advocacy activities. Economic problems of Israel. Political and security situation. Prior to Knesset elections. Settlements in Judea and Samaria. Collecting donations for movement . Entebbe operation. Preparations for thirteenth conference of Herut movement. Organizational matters. Situation of Jews in Latin America. Events in Hebron. Coming defections from Soviet Union to Israel. Conducting internal elections within movement. Tel Hai Fund Affair. Legislative activity in Knesset.