Herut Movement, Meetings of Movement Executive - Protocols, Handwritten

04.01.1978 - 11.03.1979

Reference Code : H 1 - 2/ 31/ 1

Archive: Herut Movement


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Main topics: Organizational matters. Selecting Zionist Congress representatives. Jabotinsky Institute Executive Board activities. Composition of national council. Additions to Center and Executive. Preparations for Herut-Hatzohar Conference. Preparations for municipal elections and report on results. Movement executive criticism of government policy. Problem of functioning of branches. Settlements in Judea and Samaria. Menachem Begin trip to U.S. to meet with Jimmy Carter. Responses to Operation Litani. Organizing advocacy activities that support government. Budget matters. Appointments and management roles. Establishment of committee for reconciliation in branches. Peace plan and negotiations with Egypt. Criticism of declaration by Geula Cohen and its members on establishing party within Herut. Economic policy. Protocol of Executive Budget Committee meeting.