Herut Movement, Circulars to Movement Branches and its Members, Letters and Invitations
25.08.1948 - 10.07.1957
Reference Code : H 1 - 3/ 1
Circular from various Herut departments about: Herut principles. Criticism of Mapai relations with Herut members. Menachem Begin speech about cornerstone of Jewish War of Liberation. Preparation for municipal elections. Instructions to branches regarding absorption. Organizing Arab Department. Selected Arab media reports. Publishing and distributing 'Herut' newspaper. Instructions for keeping tradition and organizing conferences and gatherings. Advocacy and propaganda activities towards elections. Organizing elections for base conference. Decisions by Center meeting concerning municipal and National Council elections. Fundraisers - movement base activities and election fundraising. Criticism of Bernadotte plan. Preparations for 2nd National Conference of Herut and 23rd Zionist Congress elections. Notice from youth headquarters on liberating the homeland and exit from underground (includes handwritten corrections by Menachem Begin). Overview about nature and structure of Betar for Fourth World Conference. Establishing Herut Youth Organization. Menachem Begin request to movement members to write down their memories to publish Ma'amad (Etzel) book. Request to former Irgun members to surrender their weapons. Shmuel Merlin circular to movement members regarding organization and request for cooperation and financial help and appeal to organization division regarding problems with branches. Correspondence about responsibility for descendants of Etzel, request to send informational material to United States, proposal to establish record factory, calling for unity in movement ranks. Invitations to meetings and events. Includes document in French.