Lazar Haim, Selections from a Diary

01.01.1951 - 31.12.1965

Reference Code : P 136 - 9

Archive: Lazar Haim
Material status: Scanned
Date Type: Approximate


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Selections from diary of Haim Lazar, typewritten with corrections:
On topics: Establishing relations between Israel and Germany, demonstration against reparations, armaments deal with Germany, meetings of surviving remnant, preparations for book "Acre Fortress", meetings of Partisans' Organization, opposition to screening German films in Israel, rivalry with Mapai (Workers Party of Eretz Israel), visit by German ambassador in Israel, establishing army in Germany, Kupat Holim Leumit (National Health Fund).
Yaakov Rubin, Zalman Levinberg, Mark Dworzecki, Pascha Reichman, Menachem Begin, Dov Shilansky, Yermiyahu Halperin, Ada Yafe (Haim Lazar's sister), Yosef Paamoni, Shlomo Skulsky, Isaac Remba, David Ben Gurion.