Ben Eliezer Arie, German Reparations Affair. Dov Shilansky Declaration in Court

09.09.1952 - 09.09.1952

Reference Code : P 33 - 10/ 3

Archive: Ben Eliezer Arie


German Reparations Affair.
Declaration by Dov Shilansky in Court
Main topics: biography of Dov Shilansky, member of Betar Lithuania, commander of Ken Betar in Southern Italy, Etzel Commander in Southern Italy, member of Underground in Shabli Ghetto, prisoner in Daugailiai and Dachau camps; Jewish Yishuv (pre-State community) attitude toward Holocaust survivors; transformation of Zionist activity in the Diaspora to pure
political party activity;
preparing Holocaust survivors for immigration to Eretz Israel; Altalena Affair; political activity in Eretz Israel against agreement for reparations from Germany.