National Labour Organisation, Labor Problems, Protocols, Agreements, Correspondence

20.03.1933 - 20.03.1939

Reference Code : D 2 - 2/ 11

Archive: National Labour Organisation


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Agreement of National Labour Organisation with Histadrut (General Federation of Laborers) and Organization of Hapoel HaMizrachi about fair distribution of labor; protocols of meetings of represenatives of National Labour Organisation with those of HaPoel HaMizrachi Bureau and General Federation of Laborers concerning cooperation agreement, agreement in industry, establishing joint labor bureau and organizing a census;
Biographical details of Organisation members; Proposal for candidacy of Yitzhak Levin to secretary of Hatzach (New Zionist Organization); Letters about establishing a gas production plant in Tel Aviv; appeal from National Labour Organisation administration of Hadassah Medical Center about building the center;
Addenda to semi annual report from the bureau; Public statement from Ramat Gan Local Council about a film day to benefit Unemployment Fund; Summary of bureau activities for months June - November 1937;
Letters about dispute in 'HaDegania' bakery plant; Survey in German about dispute in 'HaDegania' bakery plant; Survey in Yiddish about labor situation in Eretz Israel;
Singular publication of flyer concerning Jewish labor problem in Rosh Pina; Letter of Kfar Saba Agricultural Organization to Farmers Association Center about granting loans to orchard owners;
Questions and answers about labor issues: renting apartments, raising prices of stocks of the cooperatives, salaried work among members of the Organisation, description of movement of 'cooperative organization' with Arabs;
Survey in English in Davar newspaper about labor dispute; Form for insurance policy for laborers; and survey of employee relations in Eretz Israel (London Agreement).
Protocols from meetings of representatives of National Labour Organisation and Histadrut about census prior to establishing joint labor bureaus and implementing the agreement;
Protocols from meeting of administration of the agreement bureau 26/2/1939 about issues of: organization,
complications in
the agreement and future of the bureau.
