Hebrew Committee of National Liberation, Germany, Articles and Correspondence
01.01.1945 - 31.12.1945
Reference Code : HT 4 - 7/ 3
Hebrew Committee of National Liberation
Material status:
Date Type:
ח4 -7_3.PDF
- Article concerning future of Germany, world attitude towards Germany and some sanctions proposed against it;
- 'Report on Germany - A Devasted Nation, its People Ruined by 12 years of Nazism' - article by Max Lerner on the situation of Germany after the war ('PM' - March 25, 1945);
- Correspondence concerning punishment of German war criminals and rescue of war prisoners still under German control;
- Notes about situation of liberated Jews in Germany and Austria;
- 'Hebrews in Germany'- Congressional Record on the Jews Still
in German Concentration Camps (Sep. 18, 1945);
- Report on German concentration camps by Fortunata Abramo Menasce (Oct. 1945);
- Booklet: 'Germany, Nation or No-Man's Land'.