Arlosoroff Murder Investigative Committee - Archive , Transcripts of Evidence

10.11.1983 - 11.12.1983

Reference Code : HT 8 a - 1/ 8

Archive: Arlosoroff Murder Investigative Committee - Archive


Transcripts of testimonies from Committee meetings that took place on the following dates:
10/11/1983, 8/12/1983, 11/12/1983.
Names of witnesses: Shlomo Harel, Yehoshua Rosenbach, Avraham Goldhammer, Michael Porat, Israel Yardeni, Weinshall, Musia Lishman, Yehezkel Meroz, Irit Arad, Haim Gil, Simha Zemel, Zelig Ostrovsky, Dan Margalit, Carmella Ben Tzvi, Haim Guri, Kadish Shermeister.