King David Hotel Bombing; Bridge to the Abyss
Recording reference code : CS - 580
Event type:
Radio program
Begin Menachem,Paglin Amihai, 'Gidi',Slutsky Yehuda ,Avinoam Yitzhak (Yegnes Yitzhak),Alis Shraga (Haim Toit),Levi Israel, 'Gideon',Yaakobi David,Tzadok Yitzhak,Hai Adina,Ben-Yaakov Vardi,Ben-Dor Dan,Eliav Binyamin (Lubotsky Binyamin),Raziel-Naor Esther
Event date - from:
Event date - to:
- King David Hotel bombing: action and its impact on the Jewish Revolt Movement.
Participants: Menachem Begin, Amihai Paglin, Yehuda Slutsky, Yitzhak Avinoam, Shraga Alis, Israel Levy, David Yaakobi, Yitzhak Zadok, Adina Hai, Vardi Ben-Yaakov, Dan Ben-Dor.
- Bridge across the abyss: mediation efforts between the Revisionist Movement and Etzel and World Zionist Organization and Haganah at the outbreak of World War II. Editors: Ephraim Abba and Yehudah Kaveh. Participants: Esther Raziel - Naor and Binyamin Eliav